Jack's 1st Angels game - Opening Day 2001! The Angels announcer Rex Hudler had a collapsed with a brain aneurysm the ptrbioud week, so we wished him well on our sign.

He wasn't too happy about the location of his seats in the VIP Diamond Club behind home plate (hard to please I tell ya!)

Here he is a little bit older at the World Series.

And Jenelle's 1st game all decked out in red, celebrating our World Series win the year before!The sign read "Born 3 weeks early just to see the Angels win the World Series!"

Jenelle all decked out in Angels Red!

The family enjoying seats behind home plate!

Mommy & Jack enjoying "roll up hat" give away day!

The World Series - where we hope to be in October!

awwww I love those pictures!!!!!
What an amazing lucky pair of children to get to experience a World Series!
Good Luck Angels but we root for the CUBS!!!!!!!
Those pictures are so cute! You have a gorgeous family :-)
Good luck to your Angels!
The pictures were great - Janelle and Jack just keep getting cuter!
I know I'm probably supposed to comment on that thing called, umm, baseball - but what can I say? All I can focus on are those gorgeous blue eyes of Jenelle's!!! :)
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